Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Dear Michael...
Dear Michael,
Let me welcome you to this crazy place called earth. I know you’ve been bouncing around inside my sister for 9 months and i’m sure that’s a wild experience, but trust me, it gets crazier. Right now we’re still counting how many hours you’ve been with us, but soon you’ll be 5 years old. Then you’ll be 12. And before we can blink we’ll turn around and you’ll be going to college. So, as your wise uncle, let me say a few things before all that happens. I hope one day when you’re old enough to understand what’s happening around you that you’ll think it’s cool that i was in China when you entered the world. Maybe you’ll even come visit. I’m going to personally make it my goal that your first word is a Mandarin word, not English. Oh wait, i was supposed to be giving you words of wisdom. Ok, here we go.
First, the world is not too big for you to make a difference. Live for the grandness of God. Make your life about something bigger than yourself. Love deeply. Give fully. Sacrifice greatly. Walk confidently. Make mistakes. Fail. Stand up. Live abundantly. Know grace.
Second, you have wise grandparents. Talk to them, beg them to pass on this wisdom to you. Your parents are cool too. Your mom is a little goofy, but she’ll take care of you. I have no doubt that your dad will show you how to experience great adventures and will show you a good time and teach you really cool stuff. But, in the midst of all that, don’t forget that your uncle Biscuet is the awesome one. I’ll buy you stuff for Christmas that your parents tell you you’re not allowed to have.
And, Michael, my final word to you is this: You are meant for amazing things. Experience life to the fullest. Find ultimate satisfaction in who you were created to be. The world is your playground so have fun.
Ok, i know this is a lot to take in during your first 24 hours on earth, but don’t worry, we’ll help you along the way. For today, just concentrate on what matters to you right now - poop, puke, eat and sleep. We’ll get the ball rolling on our end to show you the cool stuff later.
Your favorite uncle,
(My sister had her first baby today, December 3, 2008. Michael Alan Burr is his name. He weighed in at 8 pounds 6 ounces.)
(Taken from Biscuet.com)
Oh glenn you're such a sucker for this sorta stuff......
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Broken & Poured...
While, I won't reveal too much, here's some of my favourite quotes. He makes reference to the Eucharist (Holy Communion)...
"God has made peace with the world through the Eucharist, the good gift, of Jesus. And so Christians take part in a ritual, a meal, a reminder of the Passover, called the Eucharist - also called communion or the Lord's Supper or Mass - as a way of remembering and returning to who God is and what God has done in Christ.
But the Eucharist, as it is with any other ritual, is about something far more significant than the ritual itself.
***further on, Rob talks about Paul's letter in 2 Corinthians***
God gives the world life through the breaking of Christ's body and the pouring out of Christ's blood. And God continues to give the word life through the body of Christ - who Paul tells his friends at Corinth is them.
They are his body. The body of Christ.
The church is a living Eucharist, because followers of Christ are living Eucharists.
A Christian is a living Eucharist, allowing her body to be broken and her blood to be poured out for the healing of the world.
It is written to the Ephesians that God's "intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms."
We have been given everything we need for the fulfilment of the story. And the act of loving the poor is an act of fulfilling, remembering; it's living our hope; it's the fullness of him who fills all things in all ways.
It's not a building, because no building can ever be big enough for that kind of grace.
The Eucharist is not fair.
Giving to those who can't give in return, that's not fair.
Serving those who have no way to serve in return, that's not fair.
Breaking yourself open and pouring yourself out for people who may never say thank you, that's not fair.
Because God is not fair. This is a God who is defined by action on behalf of the opressed. God is about giving the good gift. Jesus is God's good gift for the healing of the word. The church is Jesus' body, a good gift for the healing of the world.
It's for the benefit of others.
For the good of those who look different from us.
A church is an organisation that exists for the benefit of nonmembers (emphasis mine)."
WOW.... I love that last line. Have we as a church gotten it wrong then?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Naughty Naughty Puppets
Ok so here's the downer. To those who might be offended or will be think me a prude or something of the sort, errr I'm not quite sorry? Haha... ok anyway somewhere between songs that question whose life sucks more and about what the actual purpose of the internet is, a thought popped into my head, and refused to leave me for the rest of the night.
Ok so here's what bothered me: I was thinking about all sources of humour/comedy available to us in the media these days. How many of these rely on racism or sex to get people laughing? Must it be this way? Must we always laugh at the expense of demeaning another race? Or at the cost of reducing something that was meant as a beautiful gift to just a mere recreational act to be laughed at?
I admit, I did think the show was well put together, and that it was definitely creative in many ways. I laughed at many points. But there seemed to be this voice in my head questioning myself WHY I was laughing, at each of the things I was laughing at.
Has the human race degraded to such a point that only such things are able to make people laugh? What is clean humour in today's age? Would clean humour work? I don't have the answers, but I am thinking. Are these things that we as a generation should be working out?
When will people be able to laugh in joy, without whacking another person's race, ethnicity, skin color and their related stereotypes? When will they even come closer to seeing sex as it was originally intended? Do I even see it that way? Truly?...
Ok enough, I could go on...

Haha... aiyah this whole post was triggered by this photo (by Daley Hake of course).
As one is forbidden from bringing a mobile phone with camera into any of the military camps/bases of the Super Armed Forces, if you wish to contact him between the hours of:
7:30AM - 6:00PM daily...
... Please dial/SMS 9457 5284.
He will be contactable via his regular phone number at all other hours.... (incl weekends).
However, he will be on exercise next week. Things might change. Stay tuned...
Sleep in peace friends (and the rest of Singapore), Glenn's got your back.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Is sometimes all I am capable of
During those times when the waves come crashing
When things fail...
And people disappoint
And I disappoint...
I'm sitting here
... trying to be still
trying to hear
But still the race goes on...
And so does the battle for the soul...
It may be a moment (and many more) lost... but this is me and this is who I am. Trying to find the balance between knowing, being and doing, I just want to be real. And this is how it is...
Save me from myself...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
more faithful than the seasons...
Help... I'm turning into a hopeless romantic! =S
I choke, get teary eyed and smile like an idiot to myself for about an hour after reading this.
(Mag has always feared the worst for me and my sexuality had I not come to know Christ, maybe she has reason for that fear)
And then after reading after that, you can go read the boyfriend's (now fiance) account of the same event. HERE
If it doesn't move you, you're not my friend.
If I'm even half as crazy about you as I know I'm gonna be
I'm hanging on for the rest of the story
Friday, October 17, 2008
Ha ha ha
I can't believe how retarded this video is... Switchfoot doing a BEYONCE cover?!
And check out their reason for doing the cover too...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A sense of urgency concerning life has caused much thought as to what I am to do with this life of mine.
Grace and Peace,
"Love not for the benefit of the recipient of your actions, but Love for the sake of your soul."
Loving "for the sake of your soul", and "not for the "benefit of the recipient of your actions".
Really? Is this what it should be?
Loving does do something to and FOR your soul. But what is the primary purpose?
I guess I've always been the guy who really wanted to love for the benefit of the recipient(s) of my actions, and getting myself burnt as a result...
Could it be nothing more than a one way exchange...
Anyhow the writer (Daley), is an awesome photographer. Please check out his blog (http://daleyhake.com/blog/), where I got that excerpt from. I love his photos... the way he captures people. Every single photo makes me wonder what the person's story is......
Monday, October 13, 2008

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Ok so the Lifehouse concert was pretty good. They played a 90 minute set of just about every hit they have, and more. And they ended the night with my personal favourites, Storm and Broken. That alone made the whole night worth it. Haha...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Best argument I've heard for UNITY in the Body of Christ yet...
Now all I have to do is remember who said it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
It's been about 4 weeks since this "new season" of my life started. A season of walking the talk and talking MY walk.
A season which begins in solitude, where I find silence, and which leads to comtemplation.
A season where I am forcing myself to build and develop my spiritual disciplines.
A season where I, following the footsteps of my Master, set to intentionally take time to get AWAY to be by myself. Of course the point of being by myself is that I will never really be alone. I'm always in the presence of THE ONE, Him whose beauty and majesty I long to forever set my heart's gaze upon.
The man who thinks he can run away from THE ONE...... should just read Genesis 3.
There have been the most wonderful times of tarrying in God's presence over the past couple of weeks. Times during which I have drunk deeply from the deepest and most ancient of wells.
These have also been the times where in my fraility I just tried to just gather the crumbs which fell under the Master's table, much like the dog which I saw myself as. But no, the Master cradled me in His loving arms and carried me to the table, and sat me there with Him. He lifted me up, placed me where I don't belong.
This story doesn't end here of course. About 2 weeks in, I must have gone ahead of myself. Jesus says in John 16 we will have trouble as long as we are in this world. He also says that we should take heart as He has overcome the world. I must've taken my eyes off Jesus and focused on everything around me. First, on the table at which He sat me. Then as the trouble came, on the trouble and not on Him, the faithful one.
How big an idiot can I be? Anyway, point is I started to lose the joy which I had. And started getting really grumpy and acting a tad bit weird. My insecurities started getting attacked and were acting up as if on a perpetual caffeine drip. (wait I AM on a perpetual caffeine drip. ok WAS. I'm at 1 - 2 cups a day now)
Guess what I am trying to say is that I was convicted about the way I was acting and behaving to various people around me recently. Grumpy; weird; snappy; annoying; whiny. Any one or more or ALL of these at any one go. And all because I took my eyes of Him.
I dunno if anyone did notice this or realise this. But if you're one of them who was probably rubbed the wrong way by me. I'm sorry. I deeply apologise. Some of you might not think much of it. But I have to apologise. He wouldn't want me to do otherwise.
I love Jesus. I love His people. I love my family. I love my friends.
"Let us look to Jesus, the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2)
What does this verse mean to you?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sydney photos...
But anyway, I've decided it's best to embrace life and just share a bit of the trip on this blog. Mostly photos... I won't be saying much.
The trip was great... overall. Hillsong conference was fantastic and way more impactful than I actually expected. God is good.
Good times... Good friends... Good food...
Now for some videos...
Here's clip I filmed of the worship team during one of the mornings... It's Brooke, JD, Annie, Jad and Marcus leading...
And by the Acer Arena, there were these "pyramids" cut into the hillside. So Glenn decided it would be fun to roll down the hill... The only thing you can hear in the background is Kaimin's laughing.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
...which is why grace is so amazing. I did not deserve any of this that was shown me.
Friday, September 26, 2008
What is wrong with me?!
This song makes me weep... all the time......
There is no one else for me...
There can be no one else.......
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Solitude... Silence... Contemplation...
Friday, June 27, 2008
0.5 x 2008
Things I'm thankful for...
- For MANY people telling me that I'm not superman. Ok I've never really thought I was. In fact I'm so far from it. But I know I've been living life like I was. Doing doing doing doing... resting didn't quite find its place in my daily routine, so much so that I actually don't know how to rest right now. It's strange but true. I can't be still. I can't relax.
It's bad... so pray for me please. I'm finding the quality of everything I'm putting out dropping. And that's bad...
I'm not the solution to all the problems that exist, Jesus is... and even He got tired and rested. If I wanna be more like Jesus, I have to learn to rest.
Do less... Be more... - For growing one step closer to Him in my life as an expression of worship in the office. It's tough, being schooled by the world in this serious culture of dichotomy, the secular versus the spiritual. I never saw God in my workplace... but slowly, surely, I begin to find Jesus there, in all sorts of disguises.
He's out there you know... you just have to keep your eyes open. - For discovering RELISH. Haha... It's RELISH man, go there once and you'll know what I mean
Things I'm not-so-thankful for...
- My exponentially declining metabolic rate. 'nuff said...
- The 10second gap that has developed between us. I wish it wasn't there, and I'm disappointed it has come to this. But oh well... you take life as it comes. Ultimately, I'm only 10seconds away.
(and NO i did not go and get attached, neither do i like anyone. think there are only 2 who know what i'm talking about)
Anyway... life goes on. Sydney in 4 days... yeahhhhhh
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Recommended listening...
Here's some I totally recommend:
1. The first sermon on the top -
168 Hours - David Perkins
Focusing our weekly hours in a hyper-recreational culture.
2. The fourth from the top -
Single and Pure - Doug Weiss
Navigating sexual purity throughout your single years.
Do check out the other sermons if you are interested... great stuff!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
It's very raw and my thoughts are all over the place. And I don't know if it's stuff that everyone would agree with, but here it is anyhow...
"There is a huge sense of distrust in the world we live in today. Distrust and hindered, stifled expression. Many people find themselves struggling to express what is actually going on in their hearts.
Many people are unwilling to be vulnerable with one another. They find it difficult to express that which is in them. I often see this as a form of self-protection. Sometimes it's a pride thing. People struggle with being vulnerable with one another.
For those that ARE able to express themselves. Their honesty about the pain and suffering they go through is often met with blank stares and uncomfortable silence. The recipients (of the honesty) do not know what to do, because they themselves cannot be vulnerable. They are unable to entrust their lives to one another.
Yet for others, their willingness to be open, vulnerable and honest has led to gossip. The recipients in this case in this case take a person's honesty and trust, and abuse it, trample on it. They pass judgement, they spread false rumours. They cause hurt and pain to others.
Every generation needs its heroes, and this generation is no different. This generation needs, more than ever, heroes who are representatives of the true hero of the ages; heroes who will lead them to the true hero of all time: JESUS.
This generation is looking for heroes, men and women of Christlike character and godly integrity. The people are crying out, crying out for the light in the darkness. The true light that never fades.
It is a broken and lost generation, and its only hope, is the light of the world, that city on a hill that cannot be hidden."
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
even if i messed it up so bad... and never get it right?
would you still love me?
but why do I even need you to love me when all I want is to love you?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness,
Nourishment of mind by His truth,
Purifying of imagination by His beauty,
Opening of the heart to His love,
And submission of will to his purpose.
And all this gathered up in adoration is the greatest of human expressions of which we are capable.”
William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1942-44.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I have something to say...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Worship the Lord
(Warren Wiersbe, Real Worship)
What a beautiful statement. It perfectly captures the essence of our worship of our God, the Lord of all.
I've been thinking a lot about worship lately, trying to focus on Jesus and His grace. But sometimes it's so hard, my mind wanders and centres in my own failings, my own weaknesses and sins. I begin to lose perspective and it becomes just another THING I DO, another thing I struggle with, another thing I'm never gonna be good at, as opposed to my life as a LIFE OF WORSHIP. I get so caught up with the technicalities and all that, the things which COULD be part of worship, things which could help my expression of worship to my God, but ultimately things which are NOT worship in itself.
I don't ever want to make my worship about anything else other than my Lord Jesus. I don't ever want to lose the wonder of the creator God from whom everything we know and have has come from. I want to ALWAYS be overcome by awe as I sing to my Jesus, my Saviour.
The Westminister Confession states,"Man's chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."
In our different pursuits in life, and in our attempt to "progress" in our expression of worship, let us never ever steal the glory away from the Lord.
Augustine said,"You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you."
We should be most satisfied when God is most glorified.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Insecurities; caring too much about "what other people think"; being afraid to look stupid (hard to believe, but true...)... I've struggled with these issues alot. I find myself always wanting to make people happy, always wanting to please people. And being afraid, too afraid of people not liking me at times.
And I think, this is what really got to me today. Like I was allowing my mind to play tricks on me, I got intimidated by the situation. I was sooo afraid of "screwing up" that I actually did. It wasn't major, but I let myself get affected too easily.
I HATE to disappoint people. I HATE to know that I've let someone down. And I've let many people dear to me down over the years. I need to know I can't always please everyone...
This can't go on... I'm turning around. Hanging on to His every word. He alone is my identity. He alone defines who I am and what I do. He alone deserves my all...
I'm desperate... for HIS GLORY
Lord, I surrender
May I seek to put YOU above everyone and everything else in my life
May I be desperately passionate for YOU and YOU ALONE
May I seek to please YOU before any man
Give me the courage in the face of adversity and struggle
You are my ROCK.....
Friday, April 11, 2008
Melbourne snaps (& moooves...)
But seriously, I always get so caught up in the moment, enjoying my holiday and whatever specific activity I'm engaged in at that point, that I always forget to whip out the camera to capture it.
I really marvel at those who, in the middle of something really fun or whatever, can suddenly go,"oh! this would be a great photo opportunity!... Let me get out my trusty sony/nikon/canon/panasonic digicam (or camera phone)!"
Like how DO they do that?! I'm normally just too engrossed in whatever's happening at the moment.
BUT, in spite of that I managed to capture some snaps from my trip... here goes... =)
And she sat beside me the whole night. She must have been honored.
And here come the videos...
I look like terrible in this... Haha... rough plane ride lah.
Yum Cha?
check out this guy man!... wow
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Melbourne April '08
Ok I'm sure many people know I love Australia, especially Sydney. But when you can't get Sydney, Melbourne comes a close 2nd!
Here's some highlights from my trip:
Matthew & Sue Lynn's wedding
Ok this wedding was the reason for our (Chris & I) need to make the trip down to Melbourne in the first place. Sue Lynn is our longtime friend from ACJC (she was in SB1, me in SB2, Chris in SB3).
Ok about this point, I could actually start gushing and raving about the wedding like how silly girls do, but I'm gonna spare you people that horror. Haha...
But seriously now, it was a fantastic wedding. THE BEST. The quaint little chapel on a hill; the fantastic weather; the simple worship team made our of just a guitar, a piano and 2 voices; the 2 fantastic pastors who did the ceremony and the exhortation: and of course... the bride and groom themselves.
The ceremony was similar to what we have in Singapore, in our Anglican church. But the pastor conducting the ceremony (Ps Timothy Goh, their pastor over there) just put so much heart into the whole ceremony, bringing out the rich meanings and symbolisms of each step in the marriage service. Fantastic...and the speaker who did the exhortations was awesome too. (he's from Singapore, so Connect... you'll get to hear him! haha)
Oh oh.. and the wedding dinner!... it was at this restaurant by the lake, which was beautiful. And Matt & Sue chose the place because their first date was at a restaurant ACROSS the lake on the other side! Haha... how cool.
Ok I'm done talking about the wedding. If you wanna know more ask me when you see me.
Kax was our "host" for the trip, and I think we hung out with her every day we were there, except when we were at the wedding.
It was good to see her again and I think I spoke to her more than I ever did in Singapore... (maybe... haha). Hanging out with her was good fun. And we spent most of our time eating, and eating... Haha!... Hanging out at cafes, yum cha, meat & wine co. Shiokness...
Take care Kax! Thanks so much for the company and the chats. I hope you managed to get your "money's worth" of dirt. Heh...
Oh yeah, and we (the people) went to Planetshakers for church as well. This was my 2nd time to the church for service and I was blessed by the service. It was an awesome time. The songs were unfamiliar and quite hard to catch at times, but God's presence was there and there was a real sense of worship in the place.
The Word of God was brought by Christine Caine from Hillsong. What a woman of God, with an even more powerful testimony! I was pretty impacted by her message as well. She preached on "Stop Acting Like a Christian, BE One!". Good stuff. We were saying she really reminds us of Auntie Carol at times.
If anyone wants to borrow her book, you can let me know. I bought a copy. Haha. (ihavetoomanybooks)
Ok I'm done with Melbourne for now. If I've got anything else to post I'll add it later... meanwhile standby for pics...
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Jeremy Camp's testimony...
But to see that this is possible by the love of God is pretty amazing... Now I know why many girls are crazy about Jeremy Camp.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Mixed bag...
Add to that various feelings of anger and disappointment (in various people), you have one entirely mixed bag. (and i wish i had Mag's "sighing pau" icon right now). Learning to surrender and pick up and move on has been one humbling experience...
Lord, I need Your grace and mercy......
Thank You Pastor William...
Monday, March 10, 2008
So please let me know if it's with one of you... Please......
Haha... Desperation is the word alright.
(EDIT: ok ok... FOUND the cd... or rather i remember now who i lent it to... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...)
Thursday, March 06, 2008
But while I'll definitely miss everyone back home, I'm actually also looking forward to getting away (if only for a few days), from the madness of it all.
Have fun everyone...
Prison Break >>>>> FREE MAN
But this M.S. has brought me some joy because all resources are deployed looking for the fella, and hence, MY RESERVIST IS CANCELED. Whoopeedoodaadee...
Not that I like you Mr M.S. You is still a bad bad man... with a bad bad leg...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Everything hinges on everything....
I should expect it. But why do I still feel the way I do?
It's like history is repeating itself... but it's gotten even worse...
(edit: ok maybe not... then again)
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Someone's promise......
What I do have, is a senstive heart, a heart which has been given the ability and freedom to feel. A heart that feels joy, pain, hurt, sorrow. A heart that all too easily expriences a full range of emotions that oftentimes causes me alot of needless and unnecessary pain and heartache.
And this heart, O Lord, is my gift to You. This heart, which You have given me, I give back to You. That which you gave me, I will use in freedom to LOVE. You have a given me a heart that can LOVE, and LOVE is all I can and will do.
This heart, I pledge to pour out, pour out entirely to loving You, and Your people. My ability to experience an entire spectrum of emotions I surrender to You, for the service of feeling along WITH, and FOR Your people whom You've placed me among. I will cry with them, laugh with them, feel their hurt, feel their joy. All this, for Your glory.
My heart, O Lord, I dedicate entirely to loving You, and loving You people, as You would love them.
The one thing I have that's of worth I give to You.
This is my offering to You.
This is my worship.
May You be pleased with it.
May it bring You glory.
This is all I ask.
This is all I desire."
(Your child, a prince by grace)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A True Love Story, according to Perry......
I believe with all my heart that there is another reality, a new reality that was, and IS meant to be the original reality. But the problem is that we settle. We settle on what THEY tell us what all this should be about. And we forget what HE says...
Anyhow, I'd like to share this article I found on www.perrynoble.com. Check it out...
"America is WAY too fascinated with Hollywood and the “love stories” that keep coming out of there…sort of like vomit coming out of someone with food poisoning. Basically…all the tabloids are reporting is who is screwing who this month…and for some reason we are obsessed with it.
And movies…those are horrible as well when it comes to “love stories.” Remember the movie Titanic? Yep, quite a love story…girl meets guy on a boat & has sex with him without even knowing him (can anyone say “ho” boys & girls) and then swears she will never let him go! And when he dies…uh…she lets him go!!! And everyone in the theatre cried because they thought that was love.
Our world is so screwed up when it comes to identifying love…what true love is and how it makes a difference. Too many have equated love with a feeling…and when the feeling is gone then the love must be as well–so they jump from one relationship to the next, forgetting the vows they took before God and friends on their wedding day…and doing damage to their lives.
BUT yesterday–WOW–I heard a love story that put a lump in my throat. I am about to cry right now just thinking about it…and I want to share it with you.
Jason Wilson (Executive Pastor) and his brother Ken (Graphics/motion engineer) both work here at NewSpring. In fact, both of them were in the original group that met in a living room a little over seven years ago.
I’ve always told them that their family was “dysfunctional.” You see…their grandparents are still living on both sides…and there has been no divorce in their family…and their family actually loves hanging out with each other–isn’t that weird?
Anyway, their grandparents on their father’s side are the only set of grandparents that I have met…and they are two of the coolest people in the world. He is in his early 90’s and she is in her mid 80’s…and they are STILL together…still in love…and have established a legacy that is the same. I remember meeting them several years ago and being impressed with how full of life they were!
On Monday Jason had to leave the office rather quickly–he told us that his grandmother had fell as a result of a massive stroke and was in the hospital…and that they were not expecting her to make it through the night.
Yesterday morning he came in and we asked him what happened. He told us that she had fallen as a result of the stroke. The grandfather cannot hear very well–so he can’t make a phone call. And he could not pick her up because, well, he’s 92 I believe. So when Jason’s aunt could not reach the grandmother by phone she became concerned and went over to the house and found her mother lying in the floor…and her husband standing there right beside her. He refused to leave the side of his bride–for better or worse, in sickness and in health…’till death do us part!
They took her to the hospital and admitted her into ICU. After the entire family had gotten there they brought Jason’s grandfather into the room. He had to be brought in by wheel chair…and when they rolled him up by her bedside he got up out of the chair, leaned over his bride, kissed her and said, “I love you!”
THAT is a love story! Hearing that made me want to leave my desk & go home & hold my wife. I remember saying to Jason when he told me his story, “I want that so bad for my marriage–I want the only thing that can separate us to be death…and even when it tries it will know it has been in a fight!”
Love is not jumping from bedroom to bedroom…love is a commitment that sticks through whatever situation life throws at you. Ken & Jason were able to witness first hand the power of true love–Jason said when his grandfather kissed his grandmother that there was not a dry eye in the room…why…because true love is motivating!!!
Singles–my challenge to you is HOLD OUT for what is REAL! If he’s trying to get in your pants…or your relationship is based on something other than true love–then you may have what Hollywood has…vomit…and the pain that it will bring will leave a scar.
And if you are married–I challenge you right now to stop what you are doing–right now, pick up the phone & call your spouse & tell them that you love them…and that you always will!!!
I am not sure how Jason & Ken’s grandmother is doing right now…but please keep them in your prayers…and when you are doing so–thank God for allowing us to see a demonstration of the kind of love He has for us…a love that will not leave us…no matter what!"
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pause for a moment, and think about it. What are we part of? What are YOU part of?
We've part of something that's much much bigger than ourselves, bigger than this life we live. And this something, is a huge move of God across our land, across the nations. The creator of the universe is preparing for the return of the Bridegroom. He's on the move, and calling out to us to move along with Him.
Now what would YOU do? What are YOU part of?
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Melaka... Malacca... Ma Liu Jia...
Anyhow, this year the hotel which we always stay in decided to provide FREE Wi-Fi in the lobby. So guess where I've been spending most of my time when the relatives are sleeping... Heh.. Thank You Lord...
I've also managed to get some time to catch up on my reading, which is fantastic. The past few trips to SKS have left me with a huge backlog of books to finish. Haha. =) Here's some of the books that I hope to get through within the next few months:
- A Hunger For God - John Piper
- By Faith and Failure - David Harley (a gift from Andrew & Diana)
- In Pursuit Of His Glory - RT Kendall
- The Living Church: Confessions of a lifelong pastor - John Stott
- Sex God - Rob Bell (sounds "dangerous"... But I thoroughly enjoyed his previous book, Velvet Elvis)
- someemobook that Maggie gave me for my birthday (I temporarily forgot the title of it, but it looks potentially suicide causing... haha)
I'm now listening to a whole mix of Ross Parsely and The Desperation Band (4 albums worth! haha), Lifehouse (Collin Kam is the latest fan... yeahhhh), Matt Redman (Facedown, not a new album, but a good one), and Damien Rice Live (i should try listening to it while reading Mag's book... in a child safe environment).
And of course, being here away from work and all, I have the chance to just spend time with God, reflecting on the past month. And also reflecting on some of the stuff that people have said to me over the past month...
No one has a monopoly on the truth, most definitely not me. So it's up to me to cry out to the Holy Spirit to reveal to me the truth of God present in all the things that I've experienced and heard from different people this past January. And it's up to Him to reveal.
Ok glenn's off to e.o.c. with a book. (what's e.o.c.? ask John... that's what John are for... ) Have a great CNY y'all... Shine for Him!
P.S. Oh yeah... Marcus, fellow pine grove mate, I dunno if you ever read my blog, but I'm praying for you yeah? Hopefully I'll be able to say hi to you online soon. God will provide... He is faithful. He is... =)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
When everything hinges on...
When everything hinges on YOU
But still THE ONE says that His yoke is easy
That His burden is light
And then He says,"My grace is sufficient for you..."
And there's an intense struggle right now to surrender these feelings of being taken for granted... because I don't need them.
But, who would I be to the people around me if I wasn't who I am... if I didn't do the things I do?
Monday, February 04, 2008
Maybe tomorrow...
The harmonies, the simple acoustic sound which I so love, all these are simply wonderful on the song. But to me what truly got me about this song are the lyrics. I loved the lyrics then, and I still love them now. Theologically probably a bit salah I know... Haha. But I guess they just resonate with that little Mr Emo in me (who's starting to think that his amazing 5 year plan isn't so amazing after all, cos he'll probably fail it).
Sadly, I have no idea what happened to this band. If anyone knows anything about them please let me know. They just kinda disappeared after this album. And if anyone wants the mp3 of this song please let me know, good things must share......
The heavens paint a silent symphony
As Orion shines for me
Are you there feeling the same as I
Whispering love songs to the lonely sky
And though I don't know where you are
I know you must be there
So for now I'll lay me down to sleep and dream and maybe tomorrow
I'll kiss the air that covers you -
I'll watch the moonlight dance in your eyes
I'll hold you safely in my arms -
Maybe tomorrow you'll be mine
I said a prayer for you today
May troubles be far away
And I'll be here on bended knee
Until the day you say you'll marry me
And though I don't know who you are
I know you're beautiful
So for now I'll lay me down to sleep and dream and maybe tomorrow
I'll kiss the air that covers you -
I'll watch the moonlight dance in your eyes
I'll hold you safely in my arms -
Maybe tomorrow you'll be mine
I'll be waiting patiently -
promise you will wait for me
No one else to hold on to - until I'm holding you
I'll kiss the air that covers you -
I'll watch the moonlight dance in your eyes
I'll hold you safely in my arms -
Maybe tomorrow
I'll love you more than life itself -
I'll watch the moonlight dance in your eyes
I'll hold you safely in my arms -
Maybe tomorrow
(Maybe Tomorrow by Nouveaux)
Like it says in the song, "and though I don't know who you are, I know you're beautiful". Haha... Sometimes I wonder about YOU... What if......
Ok Mr Sentimental is outta here......
Thursday, January 31, 2008
that's what friends are for.....
Check this out... taken from my fwen (to those who don't know, i HAVE to type it like that) Michelle's blog... it kinda shows how people of a certain kind naturally gravitate towards Michelle and be her friend (ok ok ok... her fwen)
"The things my fwens say sometimes really crack me up....:)
In Jason's car:
Mich: Abi, where should we park? (we're not exactly familiar with the boat quay area)
Abi: *very slowly* Ermmm.....CARR-PARKK??
Mich: What the??
In the BMI office:
Abi: I'm going to cut my hair after work.
Mich: Oh where?
Abi: Errr...TOWN??
Mich: What's with the vague answers?? (I was expecting the name of the Hair Salon)
Over msn:
Desmond: I highlighted my hair!
Mich: Oh cool! Where? (once again, expecting the name of the Hair Salon)
Desmond: Head.
Mich: ?!?!?! [obviously lah!!!! er duh!]
Over dinner discussing places to visit in Sydney:
Mich: So do you think I should go visit the Sydney Fish Mkt?
Glenn: Err...smells of fish.
Mich: Err yeahh....it IS a fish mkt u know.
Glenn: You should visit the Botanic Gdns.
Mich: Oh yeah?
Glenn: Yeah, its quite nice. Lots of trees.
Mich: ....."
Cheers everyone. To end off, here's some wise words from some very wise people...
"If I could just see You
Everything would be alright
If I could see You
This darkness would turn to light..."
(Storm by Lifehouse)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I'm actually here...
Not that you really need to plan what to blog per se, but since December '07, what with the mission trip and youth camp and all, I've been really trying to get a handle on everything that's happened around me and within me that it'll probably take a while to be able to properly express it into words.
Meanwhile, yaaay a new year has come. And whilst waiting for the words to come out of my mouth, here's a look back at the end of 2007 for me in pictures.
First up, the mission team to Ban Chang (minus Jea & Jesse who joined us later, i'll post pics with them later). This was really one of the best things to happen to me this year. It was such a fantastic trip... God moved in so many amazing ways during the trip.
OK here's a pic taken after Covenant Service in church (for non-Anglicans, it's a new year's eve service starts at 11 and ends just after midnight, so you countdown with God). Haha. What a wonderful experience to be able to spend the first few moments of your birthday (and the year) among the saints? Thanks also to Jea & all for the cake!
OK lah I'll post more when I have more brain juice running... Ciao all...