Friday, June 27, 2008

0.5 x 2008

We're like 3 days away from the close of the first half of the year, and so I think it's time to look back and see how January to June of 2008 has been:

Things I'm thankful for...
  1. For MANY people telling me that I'm not superman. Ok I've never really thought I was. In fact I'm so far from it. But I know I've been living life like I was. Doing doing doing doing... resting didn't quite find its place in my daily routine, so much so that I actually don't know how to rest right now. It's strange but true. I can't be still. I can't relax.

    It's bad... so pray for me please. I'm finding the quality of everything I'm putting out dropping. And that's bad...

    I'm not the solution to all the problems that exist, Jesus is... and even He got tired and rested. If I wanna be more like Jesus, I have to learn to rest.

    Do less... Be more...
  2. For growing one step closer to Him in my life as an expression of worship in the office. It's tough, being schooled by the world in this serious culture of dichotomy, the secular versus the spiritual. I never saw God in my workplace... but slowly, surely, I begin to find Jesus there, in all sorts of disguises.

    He's out there you know... you just have to keep your eyes open.
  3. For discovering RELISH. Haha... It's RELISH man, go there once and you'll know what I mean

Things I'm not-so-thankful for...

  1. My exponentially declining metabolic rate. 'nuff said...
  2. The 10second gap that has developed between us. I wish it wasn't there, and I'm disappointed it has come to this. But oh well... you take life as it comes. Ultimately, I'm only 10seconds away.
    (and NO i did not go and get attached, neither do i like anyone. think there are only 2 who know what i'm talking about)

Anyway... life goes on. Sydney in 4 days... yeahhhhhh