Monday, March 31, 2008

Mixed bag...

I haven't been posting much... cos I think what's been on my heart and mind over the past few months isn't something you can easily blog about. They're not things about which I can easily let the words flow... unfortunately.

Add to that various feelings of anger and disappointment (in various people), you have one entirely mixed bag. (and i wish i had Mag's "sighing pau" icon right now). Learning to surrender and pick up and move on has been one humbling experience...

Lord, I need Your grace and mercy......


Congratulations to the both of you! (i hate how round my face looks)

Thank You Pastor William...

Thank you Pastor, for believing in us... for encouraging us. You're much loved by all of us. We'll miss you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The past few days in pictures. I don't take good pictures, but......

I know I know... Why did I take so many pictures of the kids right?


I've just turned my room inside out to find it, and it's no where to be found...

So please let me know if it's with one of you... Please......

Haha... Desperation is the word alright.

(EDIT: ok ok... FOUND the cd... or rather i remember now who i lent it to... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...)

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I'll be off to Jakarta to spend some time with the Lims (TFEEEN) over the weekend. Do pray that we have a blessed time together.

But while I'll definitely miss everyone back home, I'm actually also looking forward to getting away (if only for a few days), from the madness of it all.

Have fun everyone...

Prison Break >>>>> FREE MAN

There was a man named M.S. (NOT Michael Scofield), who broke out of prison. And now has every top miliary and law enforcement official in the country tearing their hair out trying to figure out how they can nab the guy.

But this M.S. has brought me some joy because all resources are deployed looking for the fella, and hence, MY RESERVIST IS CANCELED. Whoopeedoodaadee...

Not that I like you Mr M.S. You is still a bad bad man... with a bad bad leg...

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Everything hinges on everything....

Everything changes...... everyone changes...... Shouldn't we expect it?

I should expect it. But why do I still feel the way I do?

It's like history is repeating itself... but it's gotten even worse...

(edit: ok maybe not... then again)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Someone's promise......

"Lord, I know I'm not exceptionally gifted any area per se. I don't have a brain of a genius; I'm not a natural dynamic leader; I'm not a great singer; I don't have a fantastic voice; I am not in any way extremly gifted in music.

What I do have, is a senstive heart, a heart which has been given the ability and freedom to feel. A heart that f
eels joy, pain, hurt, sorrow. A heart that all too easily expriences a full range of emotions that oftentimes causes me alot of needless and unnecessary pain and heartache.

And this heart, O Lord, is my gift to You. This heart, which You have given me, I give back to You. That which you gave me, I will use in freedom to LOVE. You have a given me a heart that can LOVE, and LOVE is all I can and will do.

This heart, I pledge to pour out, pour out entirely to loving You, and Your people. My ability to experience an entire spectrum of emotions I surrender to You, for the service of feeling along WITH, and FOR Your people whom You've placed me among. I will cry with them, laugh with them, feel their hurt, feel their joy. All this, for Your glory.

My heart, O Lord, I dedicate entirely to loving You, and loving You people, as You would love them.

The one thing I have that's of worth I give to You.

This is my offering to You.

This is my worship.

May You be pleased with it.

May it bring You glory.

This is all I ask.

This is all I desire."

(Your child, a prince by grace)