Sunday, July 01, 2007


So I've finally cut my hair after for the first time since Chinese New Year. Personally I wished he didn't cut so much of the length off. But anyhow what's done is done. Here's a sampling of the responses I got as I walked around church yesterday & today:

Claud: Ahhhh! (yes she that was her first reaction) ....Ugly!
Jeremy Yap: *sniggers* nice hair...
Rachel Tang: you like a small boy...
Gloria Teng: it's nice... (Gloria is my friend!)
Henry Yew: it's ok what... it'll grow out (so considerate, what a nice guy)
Nadine: it would have been better if you didn't cut it...
Nat (he's 12): eh your hair very funny/eh your hair very ugly... x 10

ok that's enough, I don't wanna remember any other comments anymore. my heart cannot take it.

Now, I need to find a nice cap... or maybe a wig.


claudia and yufen said...

aiya! it is not say ugly ugly. it is just WEIRDLY weird la. not used to it i guess. but hey. if you didn't cut, you probably will look like that biker guy in the Herbal Clairol Essenhce commercial. LONGand straight hair. now that would be UGLY!!


rayven said...

haha..looking like a small boy is good k..raises ur cute factor :)din tell u but i DO prefer it shorter..:P