Thursday, January 31, 2008

that's what friends are for.....

Amidst the busy-ness, emo-ness, the broken clock and broken lights on the freeway which have been the "highlights" of January 2008, I still actually managed to take some time off to make someone laugh...

Check this out... taken from my fwen (to those who don't know, i HAVE to type it like that) Michelle's blog... it kinda shows how people of a certain kind naturally gravitate towards Michelle and be her friend (ok ok ok... her fwen)

"The things my fwens say sometimes really crack me up....:)

In Jason's car:
Mich: Abi, where should we park? (we're not exactly familiar with the boat quay area)
Abi: *very slowly* Ermmm.....CARR-PARKK??
Mich: What the??

In the BMI office:
Abi: I'm going to cut my hair after work.

Mich: Oh where?
Abi: Errr...TOWN??

Mich: What's with the vague answers?? (I was expecting the name of the Hair Salon)

Over msn:
Desmond: I highlighted my hair!

Mich: Oh cool! Where? (once again, expecting the name of the Hair Salon)
Desmond: Head.

Mich: ?!?!?! [obviously lah!!!! er duh!]

Over dinner discussing places to visit in Sydney:
Mich: So do you think I should go visit the Sydney Fish Mkt?
Glenn: Err...smells of fish.

Mich: Err IS a fish mkt u know.

Glenn: You should visit the Botanic Gdns.

Mich: Oh yeah?
Glenn: Yeah, its quite nice. Lots of trees.
Mich: ....."

Cheers everyone. To end off, here's some wise words from some very wise people...

"If I could just see You
Everything would be alright
If I could see You
This darkness would turn to light..."
(Storm by Lifehouse)


Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm actually here...

Hello world of people who actually read this blog (can you imagine how sad it'd be if no one actually reads my blog, and hence my greeting is to no one?!). Well it's not like I do not want to blog. I actually do. But I think I've been so busy with the the gazillion things that have been taking up my time just at the start of this year that I really haven't had time to think of what to blog about.

Not that you really need to plan what to blog per se, but since December '07, what with the mission trip and youth camp and all, I've been really trying to get a handle on everything that's happened around me and within me that it'll probably take a while to be able to properly express it into words.

Meanwhile, yaaay a new year has come. And whilst waiting for the words to come out of my mouth, here's a look back at the end of 2007 for me in pictures.

First up, the mission team to Ban Chang (minus Jea & Jesse who joined us later, i'll post pics with them later). This was really one of the best things to happen to me this year. It was such a fantastic trip... God moved in so many amazing ways during the trip.


OK here's a pic taken after Covenant Service in church (for non-Anglicans, it's a new year's eve service starts at 11 and ends just after midnight, so you countdown with God). Haha. What a wonderful experience to be able to spend the first few moments of your birthday (and the year) among the saints? Thanks also to Jea & all for the cake!

OK lah I'll post more when I have more brain juice running... Ciao all...

Monday, January 14, 2008


I have updated my blog... =)